In this article, Harley Gordon, J.D. gives a number of examples where financial professionals could face potential liability regarding Long Term Care. He explains why understanding what Long Term Care really is and what it means to both clients and caregivers is critical to asking the right questions and helping clients create a plan that truly meets their extended care needs.
UMS wants to help you with each step.

to understand the importance
of protecting your business
while you protect your clients.

Download our Liability Release form to keep in the event a client decides against purchasing LTCi.
By doing so, you protect your business, generate powerful awareness over the importance of LTC/extended healthcare planning, and create client-driven urgency once they see the powerful benefits they are choosing to waive.

Place the liability release form in your files when someone declines LTC insurance. If they say yes to LTCI, call Terri at 800-524-1774 for help with your case.